Ensuring the voice, wellbeing and leadership of our youth help drive transformative change

The Ministry of Youth Development (MYD) - Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi and other funders have over a number of years invested in youth enterprise initiatives and participated in the development of the sector through collaborative, youth-centric programmes.

We know young people are among the hardest hit in the post COVID-19 work environment. This is an opportunity to explore the expanding youth enterprise and entrepreneurship education space to accelerate improved outcomes for rangatahi. 

In order to improve outcomes for youth entrepreneurship initiatives, we needed to know what ‘good’ outcomes looked like. MYD, in collaboration with The Prince’s Trust Aotearoa New Zealand and Aotearoa New Zealand’s youth enterprise ecosystem, have developed a Youth Enterprise Outcomes framework - Efficacy, Economy and Equity.

Youth Entrepreneurship Outcomes Framework

Efficacy, Economy and Equity

Working across Aotearoa New Zealand to support young people in the post COVID-19 environment and in line with the Child Youth Wellbeing Strategy and Youth Plan 2020-2022, we have partnered with providers: to facilitate hui with key stakeholders and our youth to generate themes and share resources; and to collect evidence-based data so we could identify current needs, gaps and practise for Youth Enterprise Outcomes. We have listened to both practice and evidence which has culminated to this new framework, which you can view here.

Proposed outcomes for Youth Enterprise and Entrepreneurship programmes

These proposed programme outcomes have been informed by youth voices, developed through a collaborative process with providers, and align with recent data and evidence.

Te Kete Aronui Report

Understanding what ‘good’ looks like in youth entrepreneurship initiatives

The project emerged from three key conditions, was organised by three big questions and produced three emerging themes - Efficacy, Economy and Equity.

Click here to view the Report that was produced as a result of our findings.

Ecosystem Mapping and Development

Ecosystem Mapping

We’ve identified 62 youth enterprise programmes available across the motu.
This is a 2020 update of a similar stocktake from 2017.

Network Development

Based on the lifecycle of a typical business, we’ve identified a wider network of stakeholders who can support youth enterprise.

Youth enterprise programme providers sharing expertise in Wellington, August 2021
Youth enterprise programme providers sharing expertise in Wellington, August 2021


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